Alstonville Public School

Effort Earns Success

Telephone02 6628 0775

Celebration Assembly


We have made a significant change to our end of year ceremony. Instead of what was somewhat a traditional “presentation” type assembly, we are moving to more of a “celebration” event. This is to highlight the wonderful success ALL of our students have had this year and of the progress they ALL have made. Plans include time at the beginning of the day to visit classrooms where your child/ren will have prepared something to show their growth and that they are super-proud of. Then we will all gather under the COLA to hear from each class, announce their “Alstonville All-Stars” awards, enjoy the Alstonville PS band and acknowledge sports champions, the dux of the school, school citizenship award winners, and announce the 2025 school leaders. Our morning will end with you being invited to join your children for a pre-ordered lunch.